Time to explore

Our Clients

We want to represent your product or service looking it’s best. Standing out from the crowd. If you are struggling seeing the wood for the trees or just need a new perspective on how your business is visually perceived, we’re here to help.


For us, it’s not just about the end result, it’s about the steps we use to get there and how we can help you along the way, even after your corporate identity is looking good we hope to support you and your design needs into the future.


Dartmoor skincare company

Kimono Design and the Dartmoor skincare company have worked together from the start, from developing the brand to the final packaging solution design which has helped towards becoming an award winning range of products that continue to extend.

Tara said "the brand is what has carried her through and everyone loves the packaging"

Two products were selected as proud winners of the Free From Skincare Awards, they are recognised as outstanding in their field of natural, vegan, cruetly free beauty.

Check out all they have to offer dartmoorskincare.co.uk







A word From Our Clients

Sara is one in a million kind of designer, she has got this ability to listen carefully to your heart and ideas and deliver on paper like no one else. I highly recommend her and her work… she is stunningly talented!! Her work is unique – bespoke and very thoughtful. If you want to stand out, Sara is the one to make it possible 💗

Lirika Davis

Writer, Blogger and Conference Host

‘It’s always a pleasure working with Sara. She has created beautiful branding for my whole skincare range. Not only does she have a friendly and approachable manner, but a real eye for detail and colour. Her artistic skills and creativity have resulted in stunning, eye catching designs for my range. I can confidently launch new products knowing that I can trust Sara to make them look amazing!

Tara Leader

Founder, Dartmoor Skincare Company

Sara has been designing our magazines for nearly four years and I always look forward to working with her and getting a first glimpse of her design work for each issue. She brings a host of creative design ideas to each issue but she is also keen to understand any particular requirements and very willing to try out other ideas in search of the best result. She is a very skilful and talented designer and always works hard to present our articles and events to the best advantage. She has also been instrumental in helping us to continually update the appearance of the magazine, keeping it fresh. Sara is willing to go the extra mile to make sure the job is done well and on time, and her easy-going and friendly manner combined with her proactive attitude make the whole design process very enjoyable as well as rewarding.

Rosemary Best

Editor, Moor and Tavy Links Magazines

I worked with Sara last year to produce The Hen House Farm logos and branding. She was both understanding and professional in her approach… offering ideas and suggestions that enhanced the vision and direction of my business. I am really starting to make an impact both locally and nationally… with the brand she devised leading the way. I thoroughly recommend her to anyone looking at developing a brand or rebranding their business.

Paul McEvoy

Rare breed farmer, Hen House Farm